We’ve been keeping a lid on this success story for weeks because we didn’t want to scoop this amazing story in the Indianapolis Star.

But we are so proud of Laura Warrick, who has been working with Hawthorne’s Center for Working Families for five years and just purchased her first home!

When we first met Laura, she had just moved to Indy from Kentucky and was working overnight at a convenience store.  She learned about Hawthorne and our many services through her sister. Laura then reached out for the help she needed to find a better job, create a budget, reduce her debt and go from renting one of our homes to owning her own house.

What I love most about Laura’s story is that anyone can do what she did.  Change won’t come to your life overnight.  As Hawthorne’s Mary Stevenson said in the article, “It didn’t take you two minutes to get here.  It’s going to take you more than two minutes to get out of this situation.”

But change is within your grasp.  Just know that there are people and resources to help you right here at Hawthorne, no matter what goals you have for yourself and your family.